I'm single. It is for the better. I am looking forward to the road ahead.
One thing that has kept us busy on island has been a series of Trans-Pac movements. Basically tactical aircraft movements coming or going. They use Wake as a gas and over night stop.
I have done a kick ass job supporting aircraft here. I have received numerous accolades to include three awards. One was employee of the month from my company Chugach. The other was the Workhorse of the month award from the Wake Commanding Officer. The other was from the Commanding Officer of a Prowler squadron for all the support I was able to give his unit and for a job well done.
I am trying to establish some personal goals for my self to keep me occupied in my off duty hours. I have numerous aviation books I could read to keep my self current on basic knowledge of my chosen profession. The other was to start an exercise program and keep with it. I had a good routine before the major influx of Trans-Pacs hit us, then that sort of dissolved. It will be a good idea to get back on track. We have a pair of tankers coming in this afternoon. Once the flight ops are done for the day I'll go ride my bike. From where I live in "town" to the marina on the other side of the atoll is about 12 miles round trip a good ride.
For you SCUBA divers. We had an instructor out here, I earned my advanced open water rating. I hope to have a underwater camera soon to be able to document my aquatic adventures.
For you history buffs below is a picture of a 8" shore battery. The last gun emplacement on Wake Island. I believe the Gun's history it is of English origin. I think it was in Singapore when the Japanese took over management. It was installed here during WWII and this it where it remains to rust in peace. A reminder of what happened here so many years ago.